The Beat Goes Digital: How Technology Revolutionized Music Forever

In an age where technology reshapes every facet of our lives, its impact on the music industry stands as a testament to innovation and transformation. From the way we engage with music to how artists share their creations, the digital revolution has rewritten the rules of the game.

The entertainment sector, particularly music, has been at the forefront of this technological renaissance. Innovations have not only expanded consumer choices but also opened new avenues for creators, making the impossible now a reality. A mere half-decade ago, the concept of a song going viral globally before its official release was unfathomable. Today, it’s a routine occurrence, showcasing the astonishing pace at which information now travels.

This digital shift has fundamentally altered the phonographic industry. The ease of music distribution, marketing, and access has ushered in new services, reshaping consumer habits and setting the stage for a new era in music consumption.

From Vinyl to Viral: The Music Industry’s Evolution

The journey from vinyl records to MP3s encapsulates the music industry’s evolution alongside media and distribution formats. Success no longer hinges solely on aligning with major record labels but rather on resonating with the audience directly. The democratization of music, powered by the internet, has shifted control to listeners, enabling independent artists to reach global audiences unprecedentedly.

Decoding the Digital Revolution

The pivotal moment came in the late ’90s with the advent of the MP3 player, revolutionizing music portability and access. The introduction of the iPod in 2001, closely followed by iTunes, marked the beginning of a new era, prioritizing convenience, speed, and affordability. This shift relegated traditional music consumption methods to the past, making personal music libraries accessible with a few clicks.

Beyond MTV: The New Music Vanguard

The decline of MTV and the rise of platforms like YouTube signify a fundamental change in how we consume musical content. What used to require waiting for scheduled TV broadcasts has now become instantly accessible online, making music videos and songs available at our fingertips. This shift underscores the profound impact of social media and the internet on music discovery and consumption.

YouTube’s emergence as a promotional powerhouse has redefined music marketing, with VEVO and other channels emphasizing digital presence over traditional media. This transition, coupled with the viral potential of social media, has facilitated rapid dissemination of new music, turning obscure tracks into global sensations overnight.

The Era of Instant Celebrities and Independent Triumphs

In this new digital landscape, fame can be instantaneous, embodying Andy Warhol’s prediction that everyone would enjoy 15 minutes of fame. Viral hits and social media have paved the way for unexpected success stories, highlighting the potential for both mainstream and independent artists to capture the global imagination.

Technological advancements have leveled the playing field, allowing home-produced music to rival studio quality and crowdfunding platforms to support new projects. With the internet as the new music barometer, the industry is moving towards a future of increased portability, competition, and transient careers.

The digital transformation of the music industry has broadened our horizons, offering an array of choices that was once unimaginable. As we navigate this intersection of technology and creativity, the future of music unfolds as an exciting, ever-evolving landscape, brimming with endless possibilities for artists and audiences alike.

In the spirit of embracing the digital age, I invite you to explore my music and connect with me across various platforms. Discover my latest tracks on Spotify, follow my journey and access all my social links through Linktree, catch a glimpse behind the scenes on TikTok, and dive deeper into my music videos and interviews on YouTube. Let’s continue to celebrate the revolutionary ways technology enables us to share and enjoy the universal language of music together.

Join Julyka’s Creative Journey – Support the Art of Music & Writing!


Hey everyone!

I’m reaching out with a special request that goes straight to the heart of creativity and passion. As you know, Julyka has been weaving magic with her music and words, touching lives and inspiring souls across the globe.

But every artist’s journey is filled with challenges, and it’s the support from people like you that makes the real difference. Today, we invite you to become a part of Julyka’s creative voyage by making a donation. Your support will fuel the next wave of mesmerizing melodies and compelling stories, allowing Julyka to continue sharing her unique gifts with the world.

No contribution is too small, and every bit helps to keep the music playing and the pen flowing. Let’s show Julyka that her art resonates with us and that we’re behind her every step of the way.

Donate now and be a beacon of hope for art:


For more ways to support and connect with Julyka, check out her Linktree for all her social media and music platforms

Stream Julyka’s music on Spotify and get lost in her soulful melodies

Watch Julyka’s latest music video on YouTube and experience her artistry in motion.

Thank you for being a champion of creativity and for believing in the power of music and writing to change the world. Let’s make some magic happen together!

#SupportJulyka #ArtForChange #DonateToday

Nouveau Livre à Venir : Découvrez “Amour et Révolte au Cameroun : La Saga de Kingue et Djouka” par Juliette Schlegl 📚✨

Chers lecteurs,

Vous êtes invités à vous plonger dans une aventure captivante et inspirante qui vous emmènera au cœur de l’Afrique, dans le vibrant paysage du Cameroun. Le tout nouveau livre de Juliette Schlegl, “Amour et Révolte au Cameroun : La Saga de Kingue et Djouka”, est prêt à vous emporter dans un voyage épique rempli de courage, d’amour et de liberté.


🎉 Soyez parmi les premiers à découvrir cette épopée captivante qui célèbre la force du peuple camerounais et les luttes pour un avenir meilleur. Restez à l’écoute pour la sortie officielle du livre la semaine prochaine !


Préparez-vous à être transportés dans un monde d’aventure, de passion et de découverte avec “Amour et Révolte au Cameroun : La Saga de Kingue et Djouka” par Juliette Schlegl.

Restez connectés pour plus de mises à jour !

#NouveauLivre #LittératureAfricaine #Cameroun #AmourEtRévolte #JusticeEtLiberté



The Unseen Threads: How Invisible Connections Shape Our Lives


Imagine wandering through a crowded street, absorbed in your thoughts, when suddenly a stranger collides with you, causing a book to tumble to the ground. As you pick it up, this simple act unexpectedly propels you toward a newfound passion, direction in life, or even love. This incident is merely a single strand within the complex web of unseen connections that unite us all. This article delves into the invisible forces molding our destinies, often unnoticed, weaving together a narrative of serendipity, science, and the mystical. Welcome to “The Unseen Threads: The Invisible Connections Shaping Our Lives.”

The Science Behind Invisible Connections

Human connection transcends physical boundaries, venturing into realms only recently touched by science. Quantum physics introduces the concept of entanglement, where particles, no matter the distance apart, can affect each other. This phenomenon raises the question: could our lives be similarly intertwined? Insights from psychology and sociology into crowd behavior and social networks reveal patterns, suggesting our connections run deeper than we might think. Interviews with leading physicists, psychologists, and sociologists reveal the significant impact of these invisible threads, offering a glimpse into the complex web of human connectivity.

Interview Highlight with Dr. Ava Chen, Quantum Physicist: Quantum entanglement might metaphorically reflect our human connections. Although not scientifically provable, the notion that our lives are subtly interlinked, even from afar, resonates with many.

Historical Anecdotes of Invisible Threads:
History abounds with chance encounters and minor moments leading to significant changes. A casual conversation between strangers on a train lays the groundwork for a global technology empire. A lost letter, rediscovered at the crucial moment, averts a conflict. These narratives not only entertain but underscore the unpredictability of destiny and the guiding influence of invisible connections.

Historical Highlight: In the late 19th century, a young inventor’s misplaced notes on a train were returned by a fellow passenger, a leading financier. This fortuitous meeting sparked the creation of the first electric light company.

Personal Stories of Destiny Shaped by the Unseen:
We invite readers to immerse themselves in personal tales where unexpected encounters have transformed lives. From a romance kindled by a misdialed text to an entrepreneur inspired by a forgotten book in a café, these stories emphasize the significant impact of random connections.

Personal Highlight: Sarah’s mistyped text reaches Alex instead of her friend. Their ensuing conversation kindles an unexpected connection, leading them to become life and business partners, a testament to fate’s unpredictable power.

Navigating Our Web of Connections:
This section offers practical advice for attuning to life’s unseen threads. Discussing mindfulness, the value of openness to new experiences, and fostering positive connections, we guide readers on navigating the invisible web uniting us, potentially unveiling unforeseen opportunities.

Navigating Tips:

Mindfulness: Engage fully with the present moment to discern and appreciate the subtle connections around you.
Openness: Embrace new experiences and people; often, the most profound connections arise from the most unexpected encounters.
Positivity: A positive outlook can enhance your likelihood of forming positive connections, as positivity tends to attract similar energy.

The unseen threads connecting our lives are woven from every decision we make, every person we encounter, and every place we visit. By recognizing these subtle forces, we uncover the beauty and mystery of our interconnectedness. We encourage you to share your stories of serendipitous connections with #UnseenThreads, joining a community astounded by the invisible threads shaping our destinies.

As we traverse “The Unseen Threads: The Invisible Connections Shaping Our Lives,” we’ve unraveled the mystical, scientific, and serendipitous forces intertwining us in ways beyond our direct perception. Each narrative, piece of advice, and historical insight contributes to the expansive, interconnected web of existence we all share. However, our exploration need not conclude here.

Engage Further:
On Spotify: Just as unseen threads link us, music weaves through life’s moments, offering a backdrop to our deepest connections. Follow us on Spotify, where each playlist echoes the themes of our shared human journey. Let the music accompany you through life’s unseen threads.
On Amazon: Delve deeper into our interconnectedness with my book, expanding on the themes explored here, available on Amazon. Your support not only enriches your insight but also sustains our collective exploration.

In the spirit of the unseen threads that interlace our existence, we invite you to become an active part of this journey. Share your

stories, your music, and your insights. Follow on Spotify, delve deeper with my book on Amazon, and let’s continue to discover the mysteries of the connections that shape our lives.

Together, we form a rich tapestry of stories, moments, and melodies. Each thread, unique in its essence, is intertwined in the complex beauty of existence. Embark on this exploration with us, and let’s see where the unseen threads of our lives will lead us next.

Written by Juliette Schlegl (Julyka)

Unleashing the Quiet Revolution: The Surprising Strengths of Introverted Leadership

In a world where extroverted qualities often steal the spotlight—charisma, outspokenness, and assertiveness—the subtler strengths of introverts often go unnoticed. However, recent research and societal shifts have sparked a newfound appreciation for the unique contributions introverts make, particularly in leadership roles. In this article, we’ll uncover the hidden powers of introverts and how they’re revolutionizing traditional leadership paradigms.

The Power of Quiet Reflection

Introverts are masters of deep introspection and thoughtful analysis. Their inward focus enables them to thoroughly contemplate ideas before articulating them, leading to well-informed decisions and strategies.

Listening as a Superpower

In our fast-paced world, listening is an undervalued skill. Introverts excel in this arena, actively engaging with team members and stakeholders, fostering an environment of trust and collaboration where everyone feels heard and valued.

Embracing Solitude for Creativity

While extroverts thrive in group settings, introverts find their creative spark in solitude. By embracing moments of quiet reflection, introverted leaders tap into their creative reservoirs, crafting innovative solutions to complex challenges.

Leading by Example

Introverted leaders eschew the limelight, empowering their team members to shine. Through their humility and lead-by-example approach, they inspire others to excel, fostering a culture of mutual respect and support.

Navigating Conflict with Diplomacy

Conflict is inevitable, but introverted leaders navigate it with grace and tact. Their calm demeanor and ability to see multiple perspectives enable them to resolve contentious situations while preserving relationships and integrity.

In a world where extroverted qualities have long dominated leadership ideals, introverts are emerging as powerful and effective leaders in their own right. By harnessing their quiet strengths—deep reflection, active listening, and humility—introverted leaders are reshaping the landscape of leadership, paving the way for a more inclusive and collaborative future.

And as our journey into the realm of introverted leadership concludes, remember: the power of introverts should never be underestimated.

Written by Juliette Schlegl, author of TIMSHALL/A SAW-TOOTHED CAREER (Autobiography).

Ready to delve deeper into these insights?

Secure your copy of Juliette’s book on Amazon and be sure to share your thoughts through a review, supporting the author’s impactful work.

Get your hands on TIMSHALL/A SAW-TOOTHED CAREER (Autobiography) here: TIMSHALL/A SAW-TOOTHED CAREER (Autobiography)

Let’s continue celebrating the rise of quiet leadership and embracing the hidden powers of introverts. Together, we can shape a future that values diverse leadership styles, fostering collaboration and inclusivity at every turn.


Juliette Schlegl: Meine inspirierende Reise als Immigrantin

Mein Name ist Juliette Schlegl, doch viele kennen mich als Julyka. Als Schriftstellerin lebe ich in Deutschland, doch meine Reise begann in Afrika. Als Immigrantin stand ich vor zahlreichen Herausforderungen, um meinen Platz in der Gesellschaft zu finden. Doch was ich erlebte, war mehr als nur ein Kampf um Arbeit – es war ein ständiger Kampf gegen Mobbing und Ungerechtigkeit.

Bereits in Afrika musste ich mich früh mit den Schwierigkeiten des Lebens auseinandersetzen. Doch auch nach meiner Ankunft in Deutschland hörten meine Probleme nicht auf. Immer wieder wurde ich Opfer von Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz und unfairer Entlassung. Doch warum? Weil ich mehr war als nur eine einfache Angestellte. Ich war eine Künstlerin, eine Schriftstellerin, eine Frau, die viele Sprachen beherrschte und sich in verschiedenen Bereichen entfaltete. Eine Frau, die mindestens zwei Abschlüsse, einen in Deutschland, einen in England, und mehrere Zertifikate erreicht hatte. Alle interessierten sich immer dafür, wie es sein könnte, statt mich in aller Ruhe zu lassen, damit ich meine Tätigkeiten ausüben konnte. Manche versuchten meine Kompetenzen täglich zu testen und einschließlich irgendwelcher Fehler zu finden und es bekannt zu machen.

Doch meine Vielseitigkeit und meine Fähigkeiten wurden nicht immer geschätzt. Neid und Missgunst begleiteten mich auf Schritt und Tritt. Auch andere Immigranten aus verschiedenen Ländern versuchten, mich herabzusetzen und meine Arbeit zu entwerten. Doch ich ließ mich nicht unterkriegen.

Mit Entschlossenheit und Leidenschaft kämpfte ich gegen Vorurteile und Ignoranz an. Ich ließ mich nicht davon abbringen, meine Träume zu verfolgen und meine Talente zu entfalten. Und langsam, aber sicher, begann sich das Blatt zu wenden.

Heute bin ich eine Inspiration für viele. Ich zeige, dass Träume keine Grenzen kennen und dass die Herkunft nicht über das Schicksal bestimmt. Ich bin ein Beweis dafür, dass man sich nicht von den Meinungen anderer einschüchtern lassen sollte. Meine Geschichte erinnert uns daran, dass wir alle das Recht haben, unseren Platz in der Welt zu finden und unser volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen.

Ich lade alle ein, die an mich glauben, mir zu folgen, meine Büchern zu lesen und meine Single “BRAND NEW” anzuhören sowie meine bald erscheinende Single “Chop MY MONEY” – das bedeutet in Afrikas Pidgin “Iss mein Geld“.

Lasst uns meine Geschichte teilen und die Botschaft verbreiten, dass Vielfalt unsere Stärke ist. Möge sie als Beispiel für Mut, Entschlossenheit und unbeugsamen Willen dienen. Denn in einer Welt voller Herausforderungen sind es Menschen wie mir, die uns daran erinnern, dass wir alle die Kraft haben, unsere Träume zu verwirklichen.

Als Referenz für meine Leser möchte ich auch mein Kinderbuch vorstellen: “Gute Nacht, süße Mama und Freunde: Eine Gutenachtgeschichte aus Afrika“, verfasst von Juliette Schlegl, auch bekannt als Julyka. Das Buch wurde gerade in fünf andere Sprachen übersetzt.

Eine Zusammenfassung des Buches lautet:

Der kleine Djoumessi lebt in Afrika, in einem Dorf in Kamerun. Er hat nicht viel Spielzeug, aber alle Menschen, Tiere und Bäume sind seine Freunde – und bevor er abends einschläft, wünscht er ihnen allen eine gute Nacht und freut sich darauf, sie am nächsten Morgen wiederzusehen.

“Gute Nacht, Löwe! Bis morgen, Giraffe!”

Gute Nacht, süße Mama und Freunde” entführt in eine ganz andere, dem westlichen Alltag ferne Welt – eine bezaubernde, reich bebilderte Gutenachtgeschichte zum Vorlesen und Bestaunen für Kinder ab drei Jahren.

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, einen Blick auf den offiziellen Kinderbuchtrailer “Gute Nacht, süße Mama und Freunde/Eine Gutenachtgeschichte aus Afrika” von Juliette Schlegl zu werfen. Tauchen Sie ein in die zauberhafte Welt der Gutenachtgeschichte, die uns in das Dorf von Djoumessi in Kamerun entführt. In diesem liebevoll gestalteten Buch werden Sie gemeinsam mit dem kleinen Djoumessi eine Reise erleben, die von Freundschaft, Geborgenheit und dem Zauber der Natur erzählt.

Hier ist der Link zum Trailer: Kinderbuchtrailer „Gute Nacht, süße Mama und Freunde“ von Juliette Schlegl

Wenn Sie dieses Buch in Ihre Sammlung aufnehmen möchten, können Sie es gerne auf Amazon kaufen. Hier ist der Link: Gute Nacht, süße Mama und Freunde von Juliette Schlegl auf Amazon

Tauchen Sie ein in diese wundervolle Geschichte und lassen Sie sich von Djoumessis Abenteuern verzaubern!

Herzliche Grüße,

Ihr Team Juliette Schlegl

Exploring the Symphony of Souls: A Journey Through Music’s Heartland

Music transcends mere art; it’s a bridge across the vast spectrum of our emotions, a journey through time and space that speaks the universal language of humanity. From the dignified whispers of classical music to the pulsating rhythms of Afrobeat, every genre bears the mark of its cultural origins, narrating stories that resonate universally. Embark with us on an expedition through the sonic landscapes of the world’s most cherished music genres.

Classical Music: The Eternal Ode to Elegance
Classical music, rooted in the rich heritage of ancient Western Europe, embodies opulence and spirituality. Its legacy, manifested through melodious harmonies in opera houses and the solemnity of cathedrals, stands as a testament to orchestration’s transcendent power. The compositions of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven guide us into a domain where each note expresses a gamut of emotions, positioning classical music as an immortal sanctuary for the soul.

Explore the Classical Collection 

Afrobeat: The Rhythmic Heartbeat of Africa
Afrobeat, a vibrant celebration of African culture, merges traditional rhythms with contemporary music’s grooves. Originated by Fela Kuti and propelled by icons like Burna Boy, Wizkid, Manu Dibango, and Miriam Makeba, along with emerging talents such as Julyka, Afrobeat stands as a testament to musical innovation, teeming with life and vigor.

Feel the Afrobeat Pulse

Blues: The Soul’s Lament
The blues, a profound expression of the African American ordeal, emerged from the adversities of early 19th-century labor camps. Its evolution is a narrative of resilience, with its melancholic tunes and heartfelt improvisations weaving a deeply personal tale of struggle and victory. Legends such as B.B. King and Muddy Waters have been pivotal in defining blues as a fundamental aspect of American music.

Experience the Blues Journey

Jazz: The Improvisational Soul
Jazz, the quintessential American art form, ushers us into a realm of spontaneous creation and collective harmony. From the smoky lounges of New Orleans to New York’s avant-garde venues, jazz is a constantly evolving story of liberty and creativity, with Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis among its defining figures.

Dive into Jazz Improvisations

Country: Echoes of the American Spirit
Country music captures the essence of rural America, with lyrics that sketch scenes of heartache and reunion. It directly appeals to the heart, with straightforward yet profound compositions that depict life’s complex fabric. Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton, synonymous with country music, weave tales that resonate with genuine emotion.

Discover the American Spirit

Heavy Metal: The Rebel’s Cry
Heavy Metal, born from the darkness as a declaration of defiance, thrives on the intensity and rebellion laid by Black Sabbath. It’s a musical uprising, a resounding call to arms against conformity, fueled by forceful riffs and electrifying vocals. Metallica and Iron Maiden, Rammstein have continued to inspire countless fans, affirming that heavy metal is more than music—it’s a way of life.

Join the Heavy Metal Rebellion

 Hip Hop: The Voice of the Streets
Hip Hop, the heartbeat of urban culture, weaves rhythmic poetry, DJing artistry, and graffiti into a vivid portrait of street life. From Grandmaster Flash’s pioneering beats to Kendrick Lamar’s innovative verses, hip hop serves as a platform for social commentary and personal expression, mirroring the dreams and realities of a generation.

Hear the Streets Speak

A Symphony of Stories
Music, in its boundless variety, mirrors the diversity of human experience—a narrative of contrasts and connections, a harmony of differences that touches the core of our being. As we celebrate the rich mosaic of sounds that have shaped our world, we invite you to discover the songs and stories that resonate with you. Share your favorite tunes, explore new genres, and join us in the chorus of humanity’s greatest symphony.

Let’s keep the music playing.

*Written by Juliette Schlegl (Julyka), a voice in the symphony of storytellers and artists driving the rhythm of change.*


What Young People are Consuming of Music These Days

Some things have changed, in terms of what young people hear. The reality of a post-apocalyptic world where the charts are dominated by the virality of a dance app in a post-TikTok world.

Music has the power to translate the spirit of our times. It was like that with hippies in the late 60s, punks in the 80s, grunge in the 90s and pop in the 2000s, etc.

It has always been very strong, especially among young people, who use it as an expression tool that represents their anxieties, ideas, worldviews. Music helps young people to express their personalities.

And the behavior of young people, in turn, gives us indications of trends and new ways of perceiving the world and society. In other words, better keep an eye on them.

In order to propose new playlists, people did in-depth research on what young people listen to LIVE nowadays.

Despite the plethora of options streaming offers, they realized that it’s still possible to categorize young people’s music tastes into a handful.

 You will see that the tribes are still real, they are only given millenial names now.

Where did these insights come from?

It is part of the music curator’s job to be aware of news and changes in the charts and in people’s musical preferences. As a brand aimed at young audiences, working with young musicians makes this attention and observation multiplied by MIL: every week a new musical style or an idol appears and disappears. It’s an intense job “trying” to always stay on top of what’s going on.

When people started working with music curation and playlist creation, they always knew the importance of delivering consolidated data about the performance of the stores’ soundtracks. Therefore, one of the most important features of today’s music is player installed in stores is the feedback tool so that managers and sellers can interact with curation.

Sellers are, for the most part, the profile of the public that consumes the brand.

It is no coincidence that today employees end up being young people very similar to store customers and consumers. These feedbacks, added to internal surveys, ended up giving an overview of what young people are most consuming these days.

The music researchers have observed the styles of music most consumed by young people and how these behavior patterns might be relevant to decision-making in areas other than music.

After all, it’s not just playlists. They are representations of lifestyles.

1) Is the concept of romance in check?

In the reports that, even in greater numbers, the fluffy pop songs were not as successful in play as the more naughty RnB ones.

One of the styles most listened to by young people today is RnB/Rap Acustico, genres that fit exactly in this “sticking” mood.

2) Acoustic Rap

 Rap was born from the combination of some elements, including the DJ – whose function is to mix live music, continuing the beat so that the dance doesn’t stop. On top of that, the master of ceremonies – or simply “MC” – has the mission to deliver the message in a spoken way to the public.

Originally, Rap beats are samples of the most varied styles of music. An “organic” feel like a guitar, for example. Therefore, the so-called “Acoustic Rap”, where the base consists of chords played on a guitar, turns out to be something remarkable and considerably new in this genre.

The fact is that western music has very prolific rappers and singers in this more “unplugged” style, with daily releases watched closely by fans eager for news.

Lo-Fi Hip Hop & Aesthetics

A style of sound that is almost always instrumental and very functional, used for studying, relaxing, and even sleeping. It has a lot of internet connections, with Vaporwave and Hip Hop, so much so that it was also known as Lo-Fi Hip-Hop.

Lo-Fi Hip-Hop playlists are a phenomenon on YouTube, with channels streaming live video playlists virtually 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

Warmest regards,

Juliette Schlegl (Julyka)
Writer and Artist

For more about my work and journey, please visit my Linktree at 

From Cameroon to Global Fame: The Inspiring Rise of Juliette Schlegl

In the depths of Africa, under the sky of my Cameroon,

The land of my ancestors, singing under the same moon,

Scarred by struggles, bathed in hope,

I was born, a warrior, in a dance of resilience.


Favouritism and corruption, such were our burdens,

In the Southwest, the Northwest, screams beneath the echoes,

Poverty, schemes, misery, chaining our souls,

But within me burned a flame, a challenge to the dramas.


My mother, a pillar of strength, in her arms, dreams woven,

Taught me that every trial, far from breaking us,

Forges wings in us, to fly towards our dreams,

Thus, against all odds, I dared to dream, dared to fight.


School, my studies, my struggle, each day a trial,

Up to the Ivory Coast, land of hope, land of my dreams.

Then, fate struck, my mother, my star, dimmed,

Leaving me alone, with my sorrows, but never defeated.


Music, my refuge, my voice to scream my pain,

An album to survive, to sustain my family,

From notes to melodies, I wove my hope, my armor,

Earning my right to live, far from destitution, pure darkness.


Then came Germany, horizon of my new days,

Where I resumed my studies, built my dreams of love.

Juliette Schlegl, a voice from Cameroon, in foreign land,

Carrying within me the songs of my land, my fight, my light.


This poem, my words, my story, a message to the universe,

That despite the shadows, our dreams remain open.

From Africa to Europe, a journey, a quest,

To tell the world, despite the storms,

We are warriors, from the shadow to the light, a promise.

Poem by Juliette Schlegl

Meet Juliette Schlegl, better known by her stage name, Julyka, who has captured the hearts of thousands with her phenomenal album: ÉTERNITÉ DE DÉLICES (Eternity of Delights). Through this work, Julyka not only pays a vibrant tribute to her mother, who left her studies in Ivory Coast to embark on a musical career, but also charts a luminous path towards self-sufficiency and family support. The story of her bold transition from the academic world to the music scene, ultimately returning to Cameroon to support her family, is a profound source of inspiration.

ÉTERNITÉ DE DÉLICES (Eternity of Delights) is an exquisite collection of melodies, where titles like HOMMAGES AUX MÈRES (TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS), GRANDS AFRICAINS (“Great Africans”), supported by the Ivorian group UNITÉ (UNITY), “Attention, je suis fâchée” (“Attention, I am angry”), JALOUSIE (JALOUSY) open to Julyka the doors of international success. From France to Germany, her music crosses borders, connecting hearts and minds across cultures.

Life, with its highs and lows, is an adventure, and Julyka, through her resilience, shows us how to navigate its tumultuous waters with grace. By exploring literary works such as TIMSAHALL/A Saw-Toothed Career, and delving into the musical universe of this extraordinary polyglot, born in Cameroon, we discover not only the artist but also the woman. Her journey, as an immigrant in Germany, is a powerful testimony to perseverance, adaptability, and inspiration.

New Single Alert: BRAND NEW

Don’t miss her latest single, BRAND NEW, available on Spotify and other platforms. It’s an invitation to discover a new facet of her inexhaustible talent, a promise of freshness in the current musical universe.

For a deeper immersion into the world of Julyka, click on her link tree and let yourself be guided through her creations, her life, and her inspirations. Julyka is not just an artist; she is a cultural phenomenon, a bridge between worlds, a voice for unity through diversity.

Join us on this musical and cultural adventure, and become part of the evolving story of Julyka. Let yourself be inspired, moved, and above all, connect to the extraordinary journey of this rising star.

If you are inspired by the art and journey of Julyka and wish to contribute to her creative voyage, we invite you to do so via her PayPal link. Every contribution directly supports her artistic work, allowing her to continue sharing her music, stories, and inspiration with the world.

To support Julyka, please visit:

We thank you in advance for your generosity and support. Together, we can help Julyka continue her passion and make a difference through art.

Du Cameroun à la Célébrité Mondiale : L’Inspirante Ascension de Juliette Schlegl

Dans les tréfonds de l’Afrique, sous le ciel de mon Cameroun,

La terre de mes ancêtres, chantant sous la même lune,

Écorchée par les luttes, baignée dans l’espérance,

Je suis née, une guerrière, dans une danse de résilience.


Favoritisme et corruption, tels étaient nos fardeaux,

Dans le Sud-Ouest, le Nord-Ouest, des cris sous les échos,

Pauvreté, magouille, misère, enchainant nos âmes,

Mais en moi brûlait une flamme, défi aux drames.


Ma mère, pilier de force, dans ses bras, des rêves tissés,

M’a appris que chaque épreuve, bien loin de nous briser,

Forge en nous des ailes, pour vers nos rêves s’envoler,

Ainsi, contre vents et marées, j’ai osé rêver, osé lutter.


L’école, mes études, mon combat, chaque jour une épreuve,

Jusqu’en Côte d’Ivoire, terre d’espoir, terre de mes rêves.

Puis, le destin frappa, ma mère, mon étoile, s’est éteinte,

Me laissant seule, avec mes peines, mais jamais en défaite.


La musique, mon refuge, ma voix pour crier ma peine,

Un album pour survivre, pour que ma famille se sustente,

De notes en mélodies, j’ai tissé mon espoir, mon armure,

Gagnant mon droit de vivre, loin de la précarité, l’obscurité pure.


Puis vint l’Allemagne, horizon de mes nouveaux jours,

Où j’ai repris mes études, bâti mes rêves d’amour.

Juliette Schlegl, une voix du Cameroun, en terre étrangère,

Portant en moi les chants de ma terre, mon combat, ma lumière.


Ce poème, mes mots, mon histoire, un message à l’univers,

Que malgré les ombres, nos rêves restent ouverts.

De l’Afrique à l’Europe, un voyage, une quête,

Pour dire au monde, en dépit des tempêtes,

Nous sommes des guerriers, de l’ombre à la lumière, une promesse.

Poème Signé Juliette Schlegl 

Juliette Schlegl est l’auteure du livre Timshall : A Saw-Toothed Career, ainsi que de nombreux autres ouvrages, y compris un livre pour enfants traduit en cinq (5) autres langues intitulé Bonne Nuit, Douce Maman et Amis : Une Histoire pour Dormir d’Afrique. La version originale de ce conte pour enfants, écrite en allemand, porte le titre Gute Nacht, süße Mama und Freunde : Eine Gutenachtgeschichte aus Afrika et est disponible sur Amazon

Rencontrez Juliette Schlegl, mieux connue sous son nom d’artiste, Julyka, qui a captivé le cœur de milliers avec son album phénomène : Éternité de Délices. À travers cet opus, Julyka ne rend pas seulement un vibrant hommage à sa mère, qui a quitté ses études en Côte d’Ivoire pour se lancer dans une carrière musicale, mais elle trace également un chemin lumineux vers l’auto-suffisance et le soutien familial. L’histoire de sa transition audacieuse du monde académique à la scène musicale, pour finalement revenir au Cameroun et soutenir sa famille, est une source d’inspiration profonde.

L’album Éternité de Délices est une collection exquise de mélodies, où des titres comme Hommage aux Mères  “Grands Africains“, soutenus par le groupe ivoirien, UNITE, “Attention, je suis fâchée“, ouvrent à Julyka les portes du succès international. De la France à l’Allemagne, sa musique traverse les frontières, connectant les cœurs et les esprits à travers les cultures.

La vie, avec ses hauts et ses bas, est une aventure, et Julyka, par sa résilience, nous montre comment naviguer dans ses eaux tumultueuses avec grâce. En explorant les œuvres littéraires telles que TIMSAHALL/A Saw-Toothed Career, et en plongeant dans l’univers musical de cette extraordinaire polyglotte, née au Cameroun, on découvre non seulement l’artiste, mais aussi la femme. Son parcours, en tant qu’immigrante en Allemagne, est un témoignage puissant de persévérance, d’adaptabilité et d’inspiration.

Nouveau Single Alert : BRAND NEW

Ne manquez pas son dernier single, BRAND NEW, disponible sur Spotify et d’autres plateformes. C’est une invitation à découvrir une nouvelle facette de son talent inépuisable, une promesse de fraîcheur dans l’univers musical actuel.

Pour une immersion plus profonde dans le monde de Julyka, cliquez sur son arbre à liens et laissez-vous guider à travers ses créations, sa vie et ses inspirations. Julyka n’est pas juste une artiste ; elle est un phénomène culturel, un pont entre les mondes, une voix pour l’unité à travers la diversité.

Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure musicale et culturelle, et devenez partie prenante de l’histoire en évolution de Julyka. Laissez-vous inspirer, émouvoir, et surtout, connectez-vous à l’extraordinaire voyage de cette étoile montante.

Si vous êtes inspiré par l’art et le parcours de Julyka et souhaitez contribuer à son voyage créatif, nous vous invitons à le faire via son lien PayPal. Chaque contribution aide à soutenir directement son travail artistique, lui permettant de continuer à partager sa musique, ses histoires et son inspiration avec le monde.

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Nous vous remercions à l’avance pour votre générosité et votre soutien. Ensemble, nous pouvons aider Julyka à poursuivre sa passion et à faire une différence à travers l’art.